Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Emmett Till Mini-Research

Help your classmates learn more about the Emmett Till incident by completing the following steps:
1)           Research the topic you are assigned by accessing the required sources.
2)           Be sure to find the information required for your topic, but you are welcome to add more.
3)           Create a professional, polished PowerPoint or Prezi presenting the information you discover.
4)           Present the information to the rest of the class.

1.  Racial Climate in Mississippi
·      Watch The Murder of Emmett Till from 5:30 to 10:02
Required information:
·      What was the Mississippi Delta known as?
·      What social system did Mississippi use in every community to meet the “challenge” of a big African American population?
·      What was this life like for the African Americans?
·      In the 75 years before Emmett Till, how many black men had been lynched in Mississippi?  What was the most common accusation against them?
·      What did Mississippi culture teach about women?
·      What irrational fear did white people in Mississippi have about black men?
·      So how did the African American men have to act in response to this fear?
·      What did most white people convince themselves of regarding the social system in Mississippi?
·      How did hundreds of thousands of black Mississippians respond to the social system in the years between WWI and WWII?

2.  The Kidnapping
·      Watch The Murder of Emmett Tillfrom 16:30 to 22:00
·      You can look at this timeline if you need more help (and to be sure you are not missing anything) http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/till/timeline/timeline2.html
Required information:
·      Create a timeline or chronology of the events leading up to and including the death of Emmett Till.  Start with Emmett’s arrival in Mississippi for the summer.  Don’t include any events after his death.

3.  Witnesses, Arrests, and Funeral
·       Watch The Murder of Emmett Till from 22:00 to 33:40
·      You can look at this timeline if you need more help (and to be sure you are not missing anything) http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/till/timeline/timeline2.html
Required information:
·      Where was Emmett’s body found?  What condition was it in?
·      How was the body identified?
·      What promise did the funeral home director make to the Mississippi authorities?  Why can you infer that he made this promise?
·      Describe in detail the face of Emmett’s corpse. 
·      When the funeral director asked Mrs. Till if she wanted to seal the coffin back up, what did she say and why? 
·      Describe Emmett’s funeral
·      Why did so many people bring their children to the funeral? 
·      What were the reactions to Emmett’s body?
·      How many people saw Emmett Till’s body in person? 
·      How did the rest of the country see the picture and hear the story? 
·      How did white America react?

4.  The Trial
·      Watch The Murder of Emmett Till from 33:40-47:20  
·      You can check your facts here if you need more help (and to be sure you are not missing anything) http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/till/peopleevents/e_trial.html
Required information:
·      What was the claim of Bryant and Mylam during the trial? 
·      How did the white community in Mississippi react to the Bryants during the trial? 
·      What was the message to black people? 
·      Describe the courtroom during the trial…What do you notice about the courtroom from the videos? 
·      Describe the jury. 
·      What seemed to be the sheriff’s main concern during the trial? 
·      What was the main argument for the defense (of Bryant and Mylam)? 
·      What did the defense accuse Mamie Till and the NAACP of? 
·      Why didn’t black people from the community speak out about the case in the beginning? 
·      What did Willie Reed finally step forward and say he saw/heard? 
·      What happened to Reed after he testified? 
·      Who was the prosecution’s best witness and why? 
·      What happened to him afterwards? 
·      What did the jury decide?  What was the jury’s reason why?

5.  Aftermath
·      Watch The Murder of Emmett Till from 47:20-53:30
Required information:
·      Because they were protected from further trials, Bryant and Mylam did what with their story? 
·      Retell the events of that night from their perspective.
·      Who ruled out a federal investigation?  What did he do that was particularly insulting to Mamie Till?
·      Who did time for killing Emmett Till? 
·      What message did the incident send to the black community about civil rights? 
·      Mamie Till said her son’s death opened what movement? 
·      What happened 100 days after Emmett’s death? 
·      The death of Emmett Till made people realize that they had to do what if things were to change?
·      What was the only repercussion/consequence for the Bryants?

6.  Killer’s Confession
·      Go here first and read the journalist’s quote.  http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/till/sfeature/sf_look.html
·      This is the actual article/confession.  Go here second.  http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/till/sfeature/sf_look_confession.html
Required information:
·      What was the title of the article in LOOK magazine that contained Bryant and Milam’s confession?
·      Who had also never heard the confession of the killers?  Why is this so disturbing?
·      Read the confession now, answering the questions as you go…
·      In the first paragraphs of the article, which side of the case does LOOK magazine seem biased towards?  Why is this magazine publishing the confession of these killers?
·      How were Roy Bryant and JW Milam related?
·      Why was Caroline without her husband that night at the store?
·      What was Bobo/Emmett bragging about to his friends outside the store?  What did they dare him to do?
·      What did he do/say to Caroline Bryant?
·      What did the racist nature of the community have to do with Roy’s decision to do something to Emmett?
·      Why did Roy wait until early Sunday morning to find Emmett?
·      What was Big Milam’s idea to do to Emmett at first?
·      Why didn’t Emmett jump out of the back of the truck and run?
·      According to Milam and Bryant, what made them decide to kill Emmett?
·      According to Milam and Bryant, what was the last conversation they had with Emmett before they shot him?
·      According to the article, what were the attitudes of the majority of white Mississipians toward the case?

7.  People: Emmett, Mrs. Till, and Moses Wright
Required information:
·      Help us get to know Emmett, especially his personality, appearance, why he visited Mississippi, and his ring
·      Help us get to know Mrs. Till, especially why she was a single mom, why she had an open casket funeral for Emmett, and what she did to help the civil rights movement after Emmett’s death
·      Help us get to know Wright, especially what he did for a living and what remarkable act of courage he did at the trial

8.  People: The Bryants, Milam, and Sheriff Stryder
Required information:
·      Help us get to know the Bryants, especially what they did to make a living
·      Help us get to know Milam, especially what he prided himself on
·      Help us get to know Strider, especially what he wanted Emmett’s family to do with the body and what he testified about the body in defense of Bryant and Milam

9. Sex and Race
Required information:
·      Define miscegenation.
·      Fill in the blank: “While whites begrudgingly recognized that blacks were free, they were unwilling to accept them as social and racial equals. White sexuality, before and after slavery, always provided a means of white ___________________ over blacks.” (under question 1)
·      In what terms did many white Southerners interpret the Brown vs. Board of Education decision?  Include the quote from the Alabama senator Walter C. Givhan.  (Look in Jane Dailey’s comments under question 2)
·      What was it common for lynchers to do to their black male victims?  Why? (under question 3)
·      Why was protecting the virtue of a white woman matter so much to white men in the South?  What did it symbolize or represent to them?  (Jane Dailey’s comments under question 4)
·      What were two reasons sexual contact between races was so taboo? (under question 6)
·      Are things different in the South today? (John David Smith’s comments under question 9)